SA-8 (‘Gecko’)
Strela 3

Soviet SA8 Gecko SAM missile launcher

Manufacturer: USSR state factories.

These designations all refer to the same vehicle. Named the Gecko by NATO wags, the SA-8 was developed in the late sixties, and first appeared publicly in 1975. An amphibious 6x6 surface-to-air missile launcher with its own radar systems for surveillance, tracking and missile guidance, it served as a versatile and capable replacement for towed anti-aircraft guns. The crew of five are housed at the front, while the engine is at the rear. When it goes swimming, propulaion is via two water jets at the rear of the hull. Steering (on solid ground) operates on the front and rear of the three axles, so this is not a vehicle to crowd in a traffic queue. Later versions of the Gecko carry six missiles (early examples carried four); others follow behind on a transporter based on the same 6x6 platform and fitted with a crane.

Technical specifications

Engine: D20B-200 diesel producing 200hp at 2000rpm
Maximum speed: 60km/h (road), 8km/h (water)
Fuel capacity & range: 350l, 500km
Armament: Six SA-8 SAMs
Combat weight: 17.5t
Length: 9.14m
Width: 2.8m
Height: 4.2m (surveillance radar lowered)
Armour: none
Crew: five